Queenstown Airport welcomes the Prime Minister’s announcement today that the requirement to self-isolate will be lifted for Kiwis returning home from Australia from 2 March and Kiwis in the rest of the world from 4 March.
CEO Glen Sowry said: "This is another positive step forward for reconnecting New Zealand with the world. The vital next step for the country and the lower South Island is the removal of self-isolation for Australians too. If the health risk posed by Kiwis in Australia has been deemed acceptable, then it would follow that Australians, who adhere to the vaccination and testing requirements in place for international travel, do not pose any greater risk,"
"Queenstown is predominantly an in-bound destination. There will not be adequate demand for the airlines to resume direct flights from the eastern seaboard of Australia to Queenstown until tourists can return, which would have a significant impact on the Winter season across the lower South Island."
"Airlines are scheduling their trans-Tasman routes now. Certainty is required as soon as possible to allow the airlines to schedule flights and Aussies to plan with confidence."
"We know that the Prime Minister and Ministers are actively considering the next stage of reconnecting New Zealand and we are asking for a firm date to be provided as soon as possible so we can plan to welcome back Aussies for the winter ski season, if not before."
Queenstown Airport remains committed to working closely with Government, other airports and partner airlines on the national pandemic response, the reopening of the border and resumption of trans-Tasman flights.
In addition to our elevated COVID-19 health and hygiene protocols at Queenstown Airport, we have proactively taken steps to ensure high levels of vaccination in the airport and wider community in preparation for the phased reopening of the border. Queenstown Airport initiated a rapid surveillance testing programme in November 2021 and that continues at least weekly for all employees including office staff.